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5 Things You Need to Learn Now For Your Chemistry National 5s

1. The periodic table
From Hydrogen all the way to Ununoctium. At Scope we believe that the periodic table is the core foundation to understanding Chemistry and encourage all of our students to explore more about the underlying chemical properties of the first 20 elements particularly. 

2. Organic chemistry tricks
We think that organic chemistry can be one of the hardest topics of all the National 5 curriculum. At Scope we have developed a comprehensive organic chemistry confusion-busting model. This includes our pneumonic for remembering the naming system for organic compounds: My Easy Peasy Brain Pleasing Harmony. 

3. Know your acids from your bases
Success at National 5 and Higher level Chemistry demands a sound core knowledge of pH. What makes something acidic and basic all depends on how hydrogen molecules behave. 

4. Bonding
Metallic. Ionic. Covalent. Molecular. Almost every examination paper in National 5 Chemistry has included a question on molecular bonding - it is easy once you know the facts!

5. Equations. Definitions. Experiments. 
Chemistry National 5 core knowledge is essentially split into these 3 areas - so it is vital you know them all inside out! At Scope we offer all of our students our unique revision notes and guidance for preparing for your National 5 exams and strategically planning your revision and preparation.