
Scope Tutors offers the
best value professional tuition service in Edinburgh.

Comprised entirely of
university students, we specialise in National 5,
Higher level exams and medical school entry preparation.

Our 3 Year Statistics

100% of our students felt our services had a positive impact on their grades.
100% of our families would recommend us to a friend.

Why choose Scope Tutors?


- Our tutors are top students studying at the University of Edinburgh. We have recently succeeded in the same exams our students are taking - we know the most current exam secrets!

- We offer bespoke Higher Prelim Mock Examinations. These offer a unique adjunct to Higher exam preparations. 

- From £30/hour, we are the best valued professional tuition service in Edinburgh. 

- We offer a FREE assessment session where you and your new tutor can meet to discuss your goals from tuition.


- Multiple subjects. Specialising in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths and English: each of our tutors can assist with several different subjects. We are experts in National 5 and Higher exam preparation.

- 24/7 service. 11pm and the night before the big exam? Send your tutor a message and we will endeavour to help out - being students ourselves we understand exam stresses aren't just from 9 to 5!

After trying a number of tutors for Higher, I eventually found Scope Tutors. Without a doubt they are the best tutors in Edinburgh and led to me getting 6A1s at Higher. Jack was also helped me through numerous drafts of my personal statement and subsequent SAQ. The service is unparalleled and the tutors are friendly and approachable.
There isn’t a doubt in my mind that without Scope Tutors I wouldn’t have secured my place to study Natural Sciences at Cambridge.
— Kevin, 17, Edinburgh
Thank you for the exceptional level of tutoring I have received from Scope in the form of the lovely Kritika. She has been incredibly patient and supportive of my learning journey over the past few months and is a real credit to your company. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending her or Scope in the future! Thank you!
— Lucy, Edinburgh

Our Core Education Values