Expert Psychology Tutor - Meet Hikari!

Scope Tutor

Very exciting times at Scope HQ as we welcome another tutor to the team this week. Hikari will be our expert tutor in Psychology, as well as many other subjects. Read all about Hikari below!

Hikari is in her third year of studying medicine, hoping to become a doctor in obstetrics. Being born in Japan and raised in the urban jungle of Singapore, Hikari enjoys going on hikes and camping trips since moving to Scotland for University at Edinburgh. She was first inspired to teach by her own Chemistry teacher in Singapore, who was passionate about his subject, and has supported her throughout high school and even now in medical school. With Scope, she will be tutoring in Biology, Chemistry, Human Biology and is Scope's expert tutor in Psychology. Hikari is an enthusiastic tutor that can support and encourage students both academically and holistically. 

Book a free assessment session with Hikari here!