Scope HQ is excited to welcome Alex to our team!

Alex Clark profile.PNG

Alex is a second year medical student at the University of Edinburgh. As a Scottish student, Alex has experience of the current system of Scottish exams and the Curriculum for Excellence. Outside of medicine, Alex is a hobbyist writer with a keen interest in poetry and literature. This translated academically into a 100% result in Higher Classical Studies (studied independently over 1 year) and into being used as an example for SQA markers as the author of a full-mark English folio essay. With years of experience as a debate coach, Alex aspires to teach and is in the process of founding a medical peer education society.

National 5 7A Band 1s: Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Administration and IT.
Higher 7A Band 1s: Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Classical Studies, Modern Studies.
Advanced Highers 3A Band 1s: Biology, Chemistry, English.