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How to Best Deal with Online School

Right now, nothing really feels normal. We’re living in a society where the way we interact with people has drastically changed and what we can and can’t do is changing on almost a daily basis. It can be so hard to navigate your way through things, especially when it comes to the changes you have to face with school. I totally understand that this can be super stressful (our university teaching has changed so much too!) and it can be hard to adapt to learning from home. Distractions, bad WiFi connection, everyone in the house fighting for desk space, the list of difficulties could go on and on… but fear not! Scope Tutors are here to give you some top tips on doing school from home!


1.)   Plan your day


Try and stick to as much of a “normal” routine as you possibly can, just like when you were back at school. This means getting up at your usual school time (sorry, no lie ins here!), changing out of your PJs (we’ve all been there…) and making sure you’re ready to face the day! Some schools are providing learning online as if you were in class in a period-style format whilst others are setting tasks with deadlines. Make sure you plan your day to include your online classes, study time, breaks and then down time at the end of the day. Be sure to keep a note of your deadlines so that you can prioritise your tasks.


2.)   Keep your energy up!


One of the perks of learning from home is that you can eat in class. Be sure to keep your energy up with healthy snacks throughout the day. Some yummy examples include granola and fruit bowls, dried fruit and nuts and carrots with hummus. Be sure to stay hydrated too- try and drink lots of water and avoid energy and sugary drinks as they can make you feel sluggish in the long term. 


3.)   Be sure to make the most of your breaks


Breaks are there for a reason so make sure you give your brain a chance to recuperate! It’s so tempting to use your breaks to finish a bit of homework or to keep ploughing through one of your tasks but taking the time to relax a bit will prevent you from burning out. Why don’t you use your breaks for mindfulness, or a chance to fit in some exercise or baking? Whatever you do, make sure it relaxes you and is something you enjoy, even if this is just sitting doing nothing!


4.)   Check in with your friends


Finding a task hard or even just having a bad day? Send your friends a message! Chances are, they might be stuck too and you could help each other to figure a challenge out or even just speaking to someone might help brighten your day. We may be in “isolation” but that doesn’t mean we have to feel alone.


5.)   Take care of yourself


While this isn’t what we’re used to, it’s important to not let stress get the better of you. Be sure to look after yourself physically and mentally- like I’ve mentioned before take time to exercise and relax. Always talk to someone if you’re feeling down and if you’re struggling with something from school, take some time away from your task and come back to it again with fresh eyes later. 


While we can’t be in your homes to help you right now, we are still available to help with tutoring online! Or if you’re stuck on a question, our tutors are always happy to talk you through an answer over text or email. We’re always here to help so please feel free to reach out!